Wednesday, March 30, 2005

NEoTeXt 14&15

Look up it

There are no meanings of words
In the dictionary
No fixed designations
For Aardvark or jelly
Sorry, if you’re close
You are probably wrong
Because text in not
Found in etymologicals but in song

The meanings are wind,
And skin and across.
Sky and eye,
Together tumble toss.
The mouth and the water,
Bend down to the lake.
The body and the gravity,
Now text for situations sake.


Only a certain part of me
At certain times
Will I let from the cage
That I built
To keep me safe
From the me
That I am
And to protect
Those that see
My multiplicity as one
Cage, my safe, the structure
So inside safe
My nomad can wander.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Early Spring

Forbidden language
Trapped a wolf in the snow
Waiting to be tapped
A maple in the spring
Uncircumcised buds
Tickle winds warm stirring syrup

The unspeakable
Blood drips in the snow clumps fur
Under fir transformations
Man to wolf warm winter being
Crimson snow melts to feed the greening floor

Awaiting the spring hope
Promises sweet saps sticky strength
Brown leaves surrender white rodents
Tender shoots soft to the lips
And large roots rooting deep
Through out the rich
Sublunary world

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

NeoteXt 12

A Daze

Turning changing direction
Lost on a pivot
Becoming a new view
Pottery in motion
Infinite forms on a brink
Lip in slip

Formed changes the direction
Shooting outward
Projecting journeying
Speeding the line
Avoiding the stop

And every stop
A spin
Memory lost
Safe from chaos
Only a moment

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

nEotexT 11

Beyond Known

Words best left unspoken
Spells woven
Uncertainty blanket
Wrapped in invisibility

The Gardner’s spade
Deep cuts
In the couch grass
Outlets cut off

Eyes and ears in a hand crafted basket
Fingers locked in a dance with the piano lid
Flow ceases and life becomes finite
Counting the nouns kept in a glass jar

Flight taken different directions
A worm cut in half
Love of the car for the gas pump
The gas pump is the tanker becoming
Equilibristic reterritorializations

The fish and chips were wrapped in a newspaper
The end
The fish and the chips and the wrapped
And the newspaper and the aroma
A beginning
Liberated by “AND” freed from the old briars
Of subject, object, or context.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

NeOteXt 10

Weaving thought

Cutting paper
A soothing effect
Snip snip
A loom of folds
Instead of the warp, paper
Re-placing weft woof, cuts
Structure lying
Over fold
Thought creating pattern creating thought